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Consumer. MEPs gave the green light to the whole new European Commission during the plenary session in Strasbourg on Wednesday (27 November), after president-elect Ursula von der Leyen presented her team and programme. The commission was approved - with 461 votes in favour, 157 against and 89 abstentions. A total of 707 MEPs voted. March 23, 2019 November 23, 2019 spp C.04.1 Basic rules for Swiss Systems C.04.2 General handling rules for Swiss Tournaments C.04.3 FIDE (Dutch) System C.04.4 Other FIDE-approved Read more ICSMS - European Commission European Commission, Brussels, Belgium. 1,159,985 likes · 15,911 talking about this. Representing the interests of the EU as a whole.
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The SPP is the official voice of the European Commission vis-à-vis the written, audiovisual and internet press. It operates under the political authority of the President of the Commission and in cooperation with Representations of the European Commission in the Member States. European Commission Circular Procurement brochure translated. The European Commission brochure on Public Procurement for a Circular Economy, published in October 2017, is now available also in French, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish. Visit the publications page to download the brochure.
Fler European Commission Chief Spokesperson In accordance with Commission Decision 2005/636/EC of 1 September 2005 concerning a financial contribution by the Community towards a In accordance with Commission Decision 2005/636/EC of 1 September 2005 a survey on the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter spp. in The European Commission ('the Commission') has received a complaint Alla arter är upptagna i bilaga II utom Balaena mysticetus, Eubalaena spp., Balaenoptera acutorostrata (med undantag av den västgrönländska populationen), Non-coniferous wood (other than tropical wood, oak (Quercus spp.), beech The European Commission and ACER apply a policy of equal opportunities and Livscykelkostnad, LCC. Source: SMART SPP project – A handbook on green public procurement 2nd edition, European Commission 2011 Assistant at European Commission, Directorate General for Agriculture and Rural Development. Brussels Metropolitan Maria Larsson.
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A rough unofficial estimate of the number of cases of salmonellarelated illness reported in the European Union puts [] stammar av Pasteurella spp. och Salmonella spp.
It is intended to be used in feed for all animal species and categories. The European Commission asked EFSA for an opinion on the safety for the target animals, consumer, user and the environment and on the efficacy of cyanocobalamin produced by fermentation with Ensifer adhaerens
Previous to the Traineeship with the European Commission, he gained experience in the German Foreign Service, working with an NGO, and in the development sector. The speaker will talk from his own experience and not as a representative of the European Commission.
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Brussels Metropolitan Maria Larsson. Pensionscoach på SPP. av I Jönsson · 2012 · Citerat av 52 — Unlike many European countries, there is not a split in the organisation between care strategy which is supported on the European Union level and by international URL, of 13.10.2016 establishing a discard plan for mollusc bivalve Venus spp. in the Commission Decision of XXX on establishing EU Ecolabel criteria for tourist In accordance with Commission Decision 2005/636/EC of 1 September 2005 a survey on the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter spp.
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4 29 May 2015 Final Review report for the basic substance Salix spp cortex finalised in the Standing Committee on European Commission welcomes the endorsement of the new €79.5 billion NDICI-Global Europe instrument to support EU's external action.
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The spokesperson's service (SPP) operates under the political authority of the President of the Commission and in cooperation with national representations of the European Commission. Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) is a process by which public authorities seek to achieve the appropriate balance between the three pillars of sustainable development - economic, social and environmental - when procuring goods, services or works at all stages of the project. SPP Europa Plus PLUS-strategin bygger på samma grundstrategi som våra indexnära fonder, men har en högre grad av sofistikering genom att fonden hållbarhetsoptimerar ytterligare. Historisk avkastning är ingen garanti för framtida utveckling.
Some sectors of this market, such as adult incontinence, are growing rapidly. EUROPEAN COMMISSION SET-Plan Information System (SETIS) SPP Location: Applicable only for demo/pilot project; enter specific location(s) and Member State(s) This document provided by the European Commission provides answers to 15 frequently ased questions such as General GPP/SPP, Fair trade, Social responsibility. spp., but with a different proposed use, the Commission merged the assessment of both applications. In accordance with the provisions of Article 23(4) of Regulation (EC) No 1107/2009 the Commission required scientific assistance on the evaluation of the applications to EFSA, who The SPP is the official voice of the European Commission vis-à-vis the written, audiovisual and internet press.