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Klandermans, Bert. 1984. “ Mobilization and Participation: Social-Psychological Expansions of Resource Mobilization Theory.” American Sociological Review 49 (5): 583 – 600.CrossRef Google Scholar motivation type see: Klandermans 1984). Expressive motivation, in contrast, does not want to change the outside world; the act of protest is gratifying on its own.

Klandermans 1984

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Opp (1983) found that such incentives were important in activities in the antinuclear movement in West Germany. Klan-dermans (1984) found a moderate effect in union participation, and Mitchell (1979) found no effect in American 2017-08-01 participation (Klandermans, 1984). Participation was seen as an opportunity to change a state of affairs at affordable costs. It became clear, however, that instrumental reasoning is not a sufficient reason to participate in protest.

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tance of others in decisions to participate in protest (Klandermans 1984; van Zomeren and. Spears 2009).

Klandermans 1984

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G. Klandermans, 1984, p. 107). When individuals attempt to inform others that ‘a certain state of affairs is unacceptable and can be changed’ (B. Klandermans & Oegema, 1987, p. 519), they are participating in consensus mobilization. 2015-09-01 · Klandermans (1984) extends this line of thought and specifies three “selective” motives for collective action: The collective motive captures the benefit of the collective action goal for the individual (e.g., equal rights), and the individual's expectation that collective action will achieve this goal.

Kan vara en bild av text där det står ”GEORGE HOKH 1984 Zaterdag 18 juli Anja Klanderman har delat en livevideo. Klandermans and Tarrow anser att både identitets- och [61] Enligt den katolske prästen och fredsaktivisten Phil Berrigan i samtal i april 1984. Phil Berrigan har  Greenhalgh & Rosenblatt, 1984; De Witte et al., 2010).
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American sociological review, 583-600, 1984. Ambas tendencias ya han sido reportadas en la literatura como relevantes para explicar la conducta de participación (Klandermans, 1984), por lo que este  Según Klandermans (1984) en la Teoría de Movilización de Recursos, analizó que una de las condiciones para que la gente participe, es que deseen hacerlo.

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Mångfald och enhet i den globala rättviserörelsen Wennerhag

International Social Movement  av E Bäck · Citerat av 9 — 12 Zukin et al 2006. 13 Klandermans & van Stekelenburg, 2013 40 se Brennan & Buchanan 1984; Brennan & Lomasky 1985. 41 se t.ex. Schuessler 2000  av M Wennerhag · Citerat av 1 — globala institutioners toppmöten (exempelvis 1984, i samband med ett G7-möte anses vara karaktäristiskt för en specifik rörelse i allmänhet (Klandermans och  nels for gaining influence are closed (Klandermans and Goslinga Against Ethnic Discrimination (DO) was founded in 1984, but there was. av AWKBP Strömblad — IPOK tonade i sitt slutbetänkande 1984 ned de minoritetspolitiska tongångar som om att gemensamt agerande är politiskt fruktbart (Klandermans 1988). säkerhet (Hartley, Jacobson, Klandermans & van Vuuren, 1991).

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red. Zaterdag van 12-14 uur op Berkelstroom.

In the U.S., Canada, and UK, those voting for more liberal- (vs. conservative) leaning parties perceive COV­ ‪Professor of applied social psychology, Dept. of Sociology, Vrije Universiteit‬ - ‪‪Cited by 5,507‬‬ - ‪social movements‬ - ‪political participation‬ - ‪social psychology of protest‬ 2020-12-01 · Klandermans (1984), Fuchs (2006) Resource Acquisition In which outside resources that can affect the participants' capacities to engage in and organize a change is altered, triggering or growing a movement. Environmental Mechanisms: Political Process collective action context (Dietz et al. 1998; Klandermans 1984). When psychological and social context is favorable for person’s engagement, individual incentives are largely literature cited by Klandermans (1984, 1986).