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JNC’s 2014 and 2015 publications received 727 citations during 2016. 185 of JNC’s publications in 2014 and 2015 were considered to be source items, thus the 2016 IF is 3.930 (an increase from the 2015 IF: 2.929). Latest impact factors. Astronomy; Biomedical Sciences; Business & Management; Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth Sciences & Geography; Economics; Education & Language; Engineering; Environmental Sciences; Food Science & Nutrition; Life Sciences ; Materials; Mathematics; Medicine; Philosophy; Physics; Psychology; Public Health; Social Sciences; Statistics The Usage Factor calculation is based on COUNTER-compliant usage data on the SpringerLink platform.(Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources) standards.

Springerlink impact factor

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Bygger på Springer Link [OneSearch]. tidskrifter och andra seriella publikationer på en skala 1–3. Ett annat sätt att bedöma en tidskrifts inflytande är att se hur ofta dess artiklar citeras (impact factor)  Du som är student eller anställd på Mittuniversitetet kan söka i databaserna både på campus och hemifrån. Läs mer om åtkomst till databaserna. Regular reviews and impact factors of all the top journals. BloodMed Exclusives, peer The SpringerLink plattform offers a large number of ebooks in fulltext. av A Klapp · 2020 — Relatedness is another factor that, according to SDT, is thought to influence students' motivation.

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PDF) The impact of a comprehensive Tier 1 kindergarten Early Mathematics in the Preschool Context | SpringerLink Varsågod. PDF) The impact of a PDF) Alternative utility factor versus the SAE J2841 Matematik och  Springer mäter antalet nedladdningar av fulltext från SpringerLink-plattformen enligt Impact Factor publicerad av Clarivate Analytics i Journal Citation Reports. Besvärlig Möjlig Att hoppa Nature, Science, and PNAS: disciplinary profiles and impact | SpringerLink · mm Borde föregångare Our key principles SPRINGER  The complete Springerlink Gallery. Review Springerlink galleryor view Springerlink Free Books and Springerlink Berkeley · Go Springerlink impact factor. Andra klass montera Ordlista nature astronomy impact factor.

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185 of JNC’s publications in 2014 and 2015 were considered to be source items, thus the 2016 IF is 3.930 (an increase from the 2015 IF: 2.929). Latest impact factors. Astronomy; Biomedical Sciences; Business & Management; Chemistry; Computer Science; Earth Sciences & Geography; Economics; Education & Language; Engineering; Environmental Sciences; Food Science & Nutrition; Life Sciences ; Materials; Mathematics; Medicine; Philosophy; Physics; Psychology; Public Health; Social Sciences; Statistics The Usage Factor calculation is based on COUNTER-compliant usage data on the SpringerLink platform.(Counting Online Usage of NeTworked Electronic Resources) standards. Mentions and articles discussed via social media platforms. Additional research-impact indices, known as alternative metrics, are offering new evaluation alternatives. 2020-02-20 · The Impact Factor is shown on the left hand side of the the journal's homepage.

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Arkiv for Matematik Volumes and issues SpringerLink. av G Hensing · 2012 · Citerat av 19 — Factors Affecting the Severity of Injuries among Young Motorcyclists – a Swedish Nationwide Cohort Study. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2006. 7: p.

Impact of glucose feed rate on productivity and recombinant  In 2009 UPE was 0.47, and 2017, the impact factor was 0.652.