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NAXS AB has repurchased over 5% of its own shares Aktiespararna

& NAXS Corp., Polish duo Pussykrew, Britons Clifford Sage and. NYX all present unique interactive works. Alongside this, Rewire is  由VR技術開啟未來想像,涅所開發Naxs Corp.近年持續進化的虛擬沉浸劇場《 Render Ghost》編寫出虛擬空間中的感官建築,以聲音與影像為介質,與觀眾一同   NAXS CORP 最新文章相關標籤: afterlife, NAXS CORP, Meuko! Meuko!, Unsound , AFTERLIFE-ev20f1. NAXS är noterat på NASDAQ Stockholm. NAXS investerar huvudsakligen i private equity fonder med ett nordiskt fokus men kan också göra direktinvesteringar  Created by Harrison Hall, Sam Mcgilp and Justin Kane, BONANZA! is ArtxDialogue with guests NAXS Corp (Taiwan) and Lu Yang (China).

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Meuko! collaborates with fellow Taipei-based multimedia performance collective NAXS Corp. to bring an AV performance, a VR experience and a Phallet Chat to Sónar Hong Kong 2019. Film by Xia Lin Commissioned by NAXS Corp. 《Render Ghost》是由新媒體藝術團隊NAXS Corp.所創作的虛擬實境結合沉浸式劇場作品。參與的六名觀者將換上白色無塵衣,由服務人員協助配戴虛擬實境裝備,緩步進入白色充氣帳篷之中;藉由虛擬場景的誘導,徒步繞行於螺旋構造的高塔,開啟一場肉身的科幻儀式。 NAXS AB (publ) Corp. Reg. No. 556712-2972 Nybrogatan 8 114 34 Stockholm, Sweden Tel: +46 766 40 00 40, E-mail:

Årsredovisning 2019 Active Biotech AB publ GlobeNewswire

NAXS primarily invests in private equity funds with a Nordic focus, on the Company's website: NAXS AB (publ). Corp.

Naxs corp

NAXS Nordic Access - Historiska Nyckeltal Börsdata

Grev Turegatan 10 114 46 Stockholm, Sweden LUC, SEK, LUCARA DIAMOND CORP, 100, 100, 100. LUG, SEK, LUNDIN GOLD INC, 50 FINLAND PLC, 100, 100, 100. NAXS, SEK, NAXS AB, 100, 100, 100. NAXS primarily invests in private equity funds with a Nordic focus, on the Company's website: NAXS AB (publ).

NAXS primarily invests in private equity funds with a Nordic focus, but may also make direct investments or co-investments alongside private equity or other alternative assets funds. 147 Likes, 7 Comments - ༽ ༼ (@meuko_meuko) on Instagram: “10.10 網路來生AFTERLIFE - ev20f1 Presented by Unsound x Naxs corp.
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We focus on the transformation of contemporary senses, body, desire, ritual and internet society. Produced by : NAXS corp. Curation : NAXS corp., Meuko! Meuko! Technical Director : Yi Kuo Art Director : Han-Yu Feng CGI Visual Design & excution : Han-Yu Feng, eg.lio, Yi Kuo Scene Design : Han-Yu Feng, eg.lio Programmer : Yi Kuo, Kuok Pan Wong Graphic Design : Han-Yu Feng Sound Mastering : Pon Live Cinematographer : Yeh Che 光影閃爍的魔幻術催眠,進入一種人造而非真實的狀態之中。此時眼睛所見何者為真,感官的認知是否能無條件相信,似乎都成了可以質疑的問號,藝術家的魔法創作,重新挑戰人們感官認知的極限。 NAXS Corp.

5 days ago April 22, 2021 12:30 ET | Source: NAXS Nordic Access Buyout Fund website: NAXS AB (publ) Corp. Reg. No. 556712-2972 Taiwanese experimental music producer and performer Meuko!
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collaborates with fellow Taipei-based multimedia performance collective NAXS Corp. to bring an AV performance, a VR experience and a Phallet Chat to Sónar Hong Kong 2019. Founded in 2010, NAXS corp. is a Taipei based art practice that combines a wide range of disciplines including theatre, VR experience, installation and audio-visual live performance. They focus on the transformation of contemporary senses, body, desire, ritual and the internet aesthetics. Meuko!

# NAXS - Stor kassa bäddar för fler investeringar **** **• S

Alfa Laval AB, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. Alimak Group AB, -, -, -, -, -, -, -. Alligator Bioscience AB, -, -, -, -, -, -, -.

180 Life Sciences Corp Nyckeltalshistorik för NAXS Nordic Access 2020 1m 3m 6m YTD 1y 3y 5y 10y All Aktiekurs NAXS Nordic Access - OMX Stockholm. NAXS experienced a steady development during the first quarter of website: