Joint degrees and the Nordic countries - Faluns bibliotek


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Type. Degree program. Level. Master. Accreditation number. FNYF/99-4/2016. Faculty.

Nordic master programme

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The Nordic Master's Degree Programme in Gerontology (NordMaG) is a It combines the expertise of four Nordic Universities; University of Iceland, Lund  22 Dec 2020 The Master's programme in Innovative Sustainable Energy Engineering is a collaboration between five leading technical universities in the  Nordic Master. The Nordic Master (NM) is the Nordic Council of Ministers' funding programme for joint Nordic Master's programmes based on research,  A 120 ECTS Master's programme in music involving 4 Nordic universities. This is a joint study programme where students are admitted to only one of the  Are you interested in studying Master's in European and Nordic Studies? Find out more about the course from University of Helsinki on now! Joint Nordic Master's Programme in Didactics of Mathematics - NORDIMA. University of Copenhagen is part of af consortium with 5 universities from Norway ,  Eligible to apply to a Master's degree programme is a person who: has completed a university level Bachelor's degree or equivalent in the field of Social   Nordic Master: The Composing Musician is a two-year programme and specialisation option within the Master's programme Music Performance, for students  Master's Programme in Nordic Visual Studies and Art Education (NoVA) educates professionals, practitioners Visual culture developed in the Nordic region 30 Nov 2020 The Nordic Council of Ministers' Nordic Master's Programme supports joint Master's programmes at higher education institutions in the Nordic  Nordplus Network Has Developed a Joint Nordic Master's Degree.

Contacts and Personal Guidance - Leadership for Nordic

Show timing as academic years  Nordic Master Programme. Sök medel för att utveckla ett masterprogram för LiU i samarbete med minst två andra nordiska länder.

Nordic master programme

Higher education - Nordplus

The Master's programme in Nordic Welfare enhances your mobility in the labour market, not least in an international perspective.

In order to apply to a Nordic master's programme you will have to fulfill a number of requirements.
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Degree program. Level. Master. Accreditation number.

Via Nordic Master Programme kan minst tre nordiska universitet och/eller högskolor gemensamt ansöka om medel på upp till 1,5 miljoner danska kronor från Nordiska ministerråd för … Nordic Master in Jazz (NOMAZZ) is a master’s program in jazz organised collaboratively by the Royal Academy of Music in Denmark (Aarhus/Aalborg), University of the Arts Helsinki’s Sibelius Academy in Finland and Royal College of Music in Sweden.
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Vi erbjuder allt för att strama upp processer och öka  ISS Facility Services är ett av Sveriges och världens största tjänsteföretag med över 6000 medarbetare i Sverige och närmare 400 000  Hur skapar vi ett framtidssäkrat Sverige med lång hållbarhetstid? En dialog om innovation, hållbarhet och ekonomi.

Nordic Master in Maritime Engineering Aalto-universitetet

Accreditation number.

This program is being phased out as of Autumn 2019. The program does not accept new students. Nordic Media is an  14 Oct 2019 Master's Programme in Nordic Welfare at Halmstad University via the link below. 10 Mar 2020 In the education sector there are many alternatives, and the program can be combined with a teacher education degree or other formal teacher  17 Feb 2020 The deadlines for three of our joint nordic engineering master's degrees are rapidly approaching. This is a prestigious double degree, earning  16 Feb 2015 The Nordic Master programme offers funding to joint Nordic programmes at Master's level. This initiative of the Nordic Council of Ministers  of world leading experts in the field will present the scientific program, which will Moments from the 3 rd Nordic Meeting on Tumor Microenvironment in MSc, PhD. Associate Professor.